Let me introduce Myself

Hello visitor! My name is Gabriela, I’m a Peruvian/Spanish designer.

My experience has taught me that in order to enhance the ability to design, wide baggage and an open mind are essential. I’ve lived in Lima, Barcelona, Madrid, Birmingham and now looking forward to living in Berlín. Because of my trajectory and the people and cities I’ve been influenced by, my style is a huge mix of tastes and legacies that I use to produce creative projects.

Communicative skills 90

Proactivity 95
Teamwork 94

Let me introduce Myself

Hello visitor! My name is Gabriela, I’m a Peruvian/Spanish designer.

My experience has taught me that in order to enhance the ability to design, wide baggage and an open mind are essential. I’ve lived in Lima, Barcelona, Madrid, Birmingham and now looking forward to living in Berlín. Because of my trajectory and the people and cities I’ve been influenced by, my style is a huge mix of tastes and legacies that I use to produce creative projects.

Communicative skills 90

Proactivity 95
Teamwork 94